Mark McGlashan
Senior Lecturer in English LanguageBooks
Maci, S. M., Demata, M., McGlashan, M., & Seargeant, P. (Eds.) (2023). The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. Routledge.
McGlashan, M. & Mercer, J. (Eds.) (2023) Toxic Masculinity: men, meaning and digital media. Routledge.
Maci, S. M. & McGlashan, M. (Eds.) (in press, 2024). (Critical) Discourse Studies and the (new?) normal: analysing discourse in times of crisis. Peter Lang.
Journal articles
Maci, S. & McGlashan, M. (2024) ‘Special Issue – (Critical) Discourse Studies and the (new?) normal: Introduction)’. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines, 15(2): 1-3.
Paterson, L. & McGlashan, M. (in press, 2024) ‘Same-sex marriage, gay marriage, or equal marriage? Category construction and exclusion by premodification in a corpus of 21st century newspaper texts’. Journal of Language and Sexuality 13(2).
Bogetić, K., Heritage, F., Koller, V., & McGlashan, M. (2023) ‘Landwhales, femoids and sub-humans: Dehumanising metaphors in incel discourse’. Metaphor and the Social World.
McGlashan, M. & Krendel, A. (2023) 'Keywords of the Manosphere'. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics.
Brookes, G., McEnery, T., McGlashan, M., Smith, G., & Wilkinson, M. (2022) ‘Narrative evaluation in patient feedback: A study of online comments about UK healthcare services’. Narrative Inquiry 32(1): 9-35.
Krendel, A., McGlashan, M., & Koller, V. (2022) ‘The representation of gendered social actors across five manosphere communities on Reddit’. Corpora.
McGlashan, M. (2021) ‘Networked discourses of bereavement in online COVID-19 memorials’. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. 26(4): 557-82.
McGlashan, M. (2020) ‘Collective identity and discourse practice in the followership of the Football Lads Alliance on Twitter'. Discourse & Society 31(3): 307-328.
Hardaker, C. & McGlashan, M. (2016) ‘”Real men don’t hate women”: Twitter rape threats and group identity’. Journal of Pragmatics 91: 80-93.
McEnery, T., McGlashan, M., & Love, R. (2015) ‘Press and social media reaction to ideologically inspired murder: the case of Lee Rigby’. Discourse & Communication 9(2): 1-23.
Sunderland, J. & McGlashan, M. (2015) ‘Heteronormativity in EFL textbooks and in two genres of children’s literature (Harry Potter and same-sex parent family picturebooks)’. Language Issues 26(2): 17-26.
Sunderland, J. & McGlashan, M. (2013) ‘Looking at picturebook covers multimodally: the case of two-mum and two-dad picturebooks.’ Visual Communication 12(4): 473-496.
Sunderland, J. & McGlashan, M. (2012) ‘The linguistic, visual and multimodal representation of two-Mum and two-Dad families in children’s picturebooks’. Language and Literature 21(2): 189-210.
McGlashan, M., Aiston, J., Koller, V., & Krendel, A. (in press, 2024) ‘Misogyny and The Red Pill (MANTRaP): applications and impact of linguistic research on online misogyny’. In: Brookes, G., Curry, N., & Love, R. (Eds.) Applications of Corpus Linguistics. Cambridge University Press.
Larner, S. & McGlashan, M. (2023) ‘How children talk about domestic abuse in the home: insights for practitioners’. In: Taylor, J., Bates, E., & Callaghan, J. (Eds.) Children and adolescent’s experiences of violence and abuse at home: current theory, research and practitioner insights. Routledge. pp. 146-164.
Maci, S., Demata, M., Seargeant, P., & McGlashan, M. (2023) ‘The various dimensions of disinformation: an introduction’. In: Maci, S., Demata, M., McGlashan, M., & Seargeant, P. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Discourse and Disinformation. London: Routledge. pp. 1-13.
McGlashan, M. (2023) ‘(Mental) health in the manosphere’. In: Brookes, G. & Chałupnik, M. (Eds.) Masculinities and Discourses of Men’s Health. Springer. pp. 189-218.
McGlashan, M. & Clarke, I. (2023) ‘Online Discourses of Toxic Masculinity’. In: McGlashan, M. & Mercer, J. (Eds.) Toxic Masculinity: men, meaning and digital media. London: Routledge.
McGlashan, M. & Mercer, J. (2023) ‘Toxic Masculinity: an introduction’. In: McGlashan, M. & Mercer, J. (Eds.) Toxic Masculinity: men, meaning and digital media. Routledge. pp. 1-7.
McGlashan, M. (2022) ‘Linguistic and visual trends in the representation of two-mum and two-dad couples in children’s picturebooks’. In: Moya-Guijarro, A. J. & Ventola, E. (Eds) A Multimodal Approach to Challenging Gender Stereotypes in Children’s Picture Books. London: Routledge.
Baker, P. & McGlashan, M. (2020) 'Critical Discourse Analysis'. In: Adolphs, S. & Knight, D. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of English Language and the Digital Humanities. London: Routledge. pp. 220-241.
Mackenzie, J., Coffey-Glover, L., Payne, S., & McGlashan, M. (2020) 'Disco Divas and Heroic Knights: A critical multimodal analysis of gender roles in "create the world" LEGO cards'. In: Caldas-Coulthard, C. R. (Ed.) Innovations and Challenges: women, language and sexism. London: Routledge. pp. 60-76.
McGlashan, M. (2013) ‘The branding of European nationalism: perpetuation and novelty in racist symbolism. In: Wodak, R. & Richardson, J. (Eds.) Analysing Fascist Discourse: European fascism in talk and text. London: Routledge.
McGlashan, M. & Sunderland, J. (2011) ‘Stories featuring two-Mum and two-Dad Families’. In: Sunderland, J. Language and Gender in Children’s Fiction. London: Continuum. pp. 142-172.
Kehoe, A., Gee, M., Lawson, R., McGlashan, M., & Tkacukova, T. (2021). TRAC:COVID – Trust and Communication: A Coronavirus Online Visual Dashboard. Available online at
McGlashan, M., Gee, M., Kehoe, A., Lawson, R., & Tkacukova, T. (2021) TRAC:COVID Case study 2: misinformation, authority, and trust. Working Paper. Birmingham City University, Birmingham.
Tkacukova, T., Gee, M., Kehoe, A., Lawson, R., & McGlashan, M. (2021) Government management of the COVID-19 communication and public perception of the pandemic. Working Paper. Birmingham City University, Birmingham.
McGlashan, M. (2021) 'Book review: Egbert, J, Larsson, T, & Biber, D. 'Doing Linguistics with a Corpus: Methodological Considerations for the Everyday User’. Discourse Studies 23(4): 560-2.
McGlashan, M. (2019) 'Book review: Zappavigna, Michele, Searchable talk: hashtags and social media metadiscourse'. Discourse & Communication 13(4): 461-70.
Barton, D. (2018) 'The roles of tagging in the online curation of photographs'. Discourse, Context and Media, 22:39-45.
Michel, M. and Smith, B. (2017) ‘Measuring lexical alignment during L2 chat interaction: An eye-tracking study’. In: Gass, S. M., Spinner, P., Behney, J. (Eds.) Salience in Second Language Acquisition. Taylor and Francis, pp. 244-267.